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List of Noor Software Programs
Most recent and most viewed

Noor al-Anwar 2.2
The first Quranic multimedia encyclopedia
The Holy Quran with the calligraphy of ‘Uthman Taha (Medina edition) as well as Neirizi calligraphy; 9 commentaries; providing interpretative traditions, traditions related to ayahs, merits and occasions of revelation…

Encyclopedia of Imam Ali’s Words, Version 3
Full text of 227 books in 498 volumes about Nahj al-Balaghah including: translations and commentaries, Isnads and supplementary works, Glossary of Proper Names and Words, Grammatical and Rhetorical Analysis, Writings about Nahj al-Balaghah and [its Compiler:] Sayyid al-Radi, along with translations and commentaries of Ghurar al-Hikam ([thousands of] exalted aphorisms)

Jami` Tafasir Noor (Version 4)
Providing the text of 903 books and epistles in 3577 volumes from among the major Qur’anic sources, such as: sequential exegeses (463 titles), thematic exegeses (72 titles), translations of the Qur’an (57 titles + 23 extracted translations [from exegeses] + 60 non-Persian translations in the Encyclopedia Section), sources of Qur’anic Exegesis and Qur’anic Sciences (319 titles), Thematic Dictionaries (52 titles), Qur’anic Questions (32 titles).

Noor al-Jinan – Trilingual
A multimedia book of supplications and ziyarats with the library of duas and ethical books
Different types of indexes of duas, ziyarats, prayers, manners of week and month extracted from Mafatih al-Jinan and Sahifah Sajjadiyyah along with display of the texts, translations and recitations…

HamrahNoor Library - 1083 books
1083 books
Noor Library is a software collection prepared in order for the users to study digital books especially those written in the field of Islamic sciences and humanities. Benefitting from a rich treasury of sources of the CRCIS, this collection was put at the disposal of the enthusiast of book and studying with the purpose of enhancing the atmosphere of studying and researching.
Featured Softwares

Jami’ al-Ahadith 3.5
The comprehensive library of hadiths of the Holy Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT)
Full text of 427 books within 1142 volumes including Shiite traditional sources along with translations and expositions; display of translations and expositions alongside the original texts; searching through roots of words; Standard and advanced searches in program texts; simplified search environment; accessibility to interpretation of Quranic verses through hadiths; valuable information concerning books, authors, codicology of the books; saving user-defined rangers in Display part; searching for Quranic verses in books; 10 Arabic and Farsi dictionaries in 62 volumes with search options…

Library and Enclyclopedia of Jami` Fiqh 3
Encyclopedia and Specialized Comprehensive Library containing 1638 books and epistles in Fiqh
1638 books and epistles in 2858 volumes from among important sources in Islamic jurisprudence in Arabic and Persian in such categories as deductive fiqh, tradition-based sources of fiqh, du'as and ziyarats, Istifta'aat (inquires about practical laws of Islam), Book of practical laws of Islam, Book of Hajj rituals, newly arisen questions, Masa'il Mustahdathah (New-fangled issues and rulings), and comparative fiqh

Complete Works of Allamah Tabatabaei - version 2
172 volumes by Allamah Sayyid Mohammad Husayn Tabatabaei
Full text of 86 books in 172 volumes by Allamah Sayyid Mohammad Husayn Tabatabaei; the book “Nihayat al-Hikmah” with 11 explanations and translations and the book “Bidayat al-Hikmah” along with 7 explanations and translations; 126 pictures concerning Allamah and his handwritings…

Complete Works of Abd ur-Rahman Jami
Poetical Works of Jami (including:) the Masnavi of Haft Owrang (lit. the Seven Thrones), Baharestan (lit. Abode of Spring), Nafahat al-Uns (lit. Fragrances of Intimacy), Lawa'ih wa Lawami`, Jami's Epistles and Jami's Commentary on Fusous al-Hikam (lit. Wisdoms' Stones of Ring) by Qaysari (in Mysticism) and on al-Kafia by Ibn al-Hajib (in Arabic Grammar)
Full text of 20 books s in 24 volumes (including 27 epistles) from among the works of the famous writer and mystic of Khurasan, the Seal of the Poets and the great Persian speaking orator, Noor ud-Din Abd ur-Rahman Jami, on various topics of Islamic sciences: Mysticism, Persian literature, Arabic literature, Philosophy and Islamic Theology

Dirayat al-Noor 3
Specialised Encyclopedia of Shi‘a Rijal Science
Full text of 58 books in Rijal science and Hadith in 295 volumes as well as restoration and evaluation of 183744 isnads including those of: the Four Books (al-Kafi, Kitab Man la-Yahdurh al-Faqih, Tahdheeb al-Ahkam, and al-Istibsar), Wasā’l al-Shī‘a and the works of Shaykh Ṣadūq (al-Tawheed, al-Khisal, `Ilal al-Shara'i`, `Uyoun Akhbar al-Rida (, etc.
Free software programs

Noor al-Ahkam
Learning the Book of Practical Laws of Islam by Multimedia
Noor Ahkam 1-5 including the teaching of 1200 Islamic rules from the beginning of the Part of Taqleed (following) to the end of the Book of Practical Laws of Islam in more than 90 lesson during nearly 5 hours, And More…

Dastour Version 2.5
The Revised Set of Civill and Penal Codes and Regulations
In “Dastour 2.5” the four books of "The Revised Set of Civill and Penal Codes and Regulations" contained in "Dastour 1" have been provided with specialized formatting tags. This set along with new codes and regulations are presented under more than 840 titles so that each title represents as a separate book

Explanation of Imam Khamemeni's Defense Thought
A collection of books and publications of the Permanent Secretariat for the Explanation of Imam Khamenei's Defense Thought
Presenting 53 reference books; a collection of selected articles of the conferences, the scientific-specialized journals and the special issue of the Permanent Secretariat for the Explanation of Imam Khamenei's Defense Thought

Noor al-Anwar 2.2
The first Quranic multimedia encyclopedia
The Holy Quran with the calligraphy of ‘Uthman Taha (Medina edition) as well as Neirizi calligraphy; 9 commentaries; providing interpretative traditions, traditions related to ayahs, merits and occasions of revelation…

Noor al-Jinan – Trilingual
A multimedia book of supplications and ziyarats with the library of duas and ethical books
Different types of indexes of duas, ziyarats, prayers, manners of week and month extracted from Mafatih al-Jinan and Sahifah Sajjadiyyah along with display of the texts, translations and recitations…

HamrahNoor Library - 1083 books
1083 books
Noor Library is a software collection prepared in order for the users to study digital books especially those written in the field of Islamic sciences and humanities. Benefitting from a rich treasury of sources of the CRCIS, this collection was put at the disposal of the enthusiast of book and studying with the purpose of enhancing the atmosphere of studying and researching.