Faqaraat-e Feqhiyyeh Resale-ye Amaliyyeh (Fatwas of the custodian of fiqh and religion: Elyas Sharifi Eshkevari)

Faqaraat-e Feqhiyyeh Resale-ye Amaliyyeh (Fatwas of the custodian of fiqh and religion: Elyas Sharifi Eshkevari)

10 volume book of Fiqraat Fiqhiyyah

Full text of the ten-volume book of Fiqraat Fiqhiyyah (book of practical laws of Islam according to the fatwas of the servant of fiqh and religion, Elyas Sharifi Eshkevari) along with a selection of Fiqraat Fiqhiyyah on various jurisprudential topics

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