Complete Works of Abd ur-Rahman Jami

Complete Works of Abd ur-Rahman Jami

Poetical Works of Jami (including:) the Masnavi of Haft Owrang (lit. the Seven Thrones), Baharestan (lit. Abode of Spring), Nafahat al-Uns (lit. Fragrances of Intimacy), Lawa'ih wa Lawami`, Jami's Epistles and Jami's Commentary on Fusous al-Hikam (lit. Wisdoms' Stones of Ring) by Qaysari (in Mysticism) and on al-Kafia by Ibn al-Hajib (in Arabic Grammar)

Full text of 20 books s in 24 volumes (including 27 epistles) from among the works of the famous writer and mystic of Khurasan, the Seal of the Poets and the great Persian speaking orator, Noor ud-Din Abd ur-Rahman Jami, on various topics of Islamic sciences: Mysticism, Persian literature, Arabic literature, Philosophy and Islamic Theology

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